AI Contact Center Automation Solutions | Veritone

Smart Contact Center Automation

Leverage Veritone aiWARE AI engines and workflows operating on text, voice and video to more efficiently and cost effectively deliver optimal customer support. Add AI to your contact center workflows and experience happier employees and more satisfied customers.

The Customer Support Challenge

With remote demand at an all-time high, today’s contact centers struggle with:

  • Customer service agent overload and burnout
  • Agents repeatedly answering simple requests
  • Ballooning cost and resolution time per case
  • Slow contact center responsiveness and efficiency
  • Customer frustration and churn from long hold times and inadequate assistance
  • Missed upsell opportunities due to limited customer view
  • Lack of support of customer-preferred communication channels
  • Different customer experiences across channels


The Need: AI Automation

Contact centers need AI automation for:

Fast Data Access – gain deep insights during customer interactions

  • Challenge: How to access the system and assemble all
    needed data?
  • Need: Immediate customer 360-degree view for live agents

Rapid Resolution – create successful outcomes and delight customers

  • Challenge: What is the recommended solution, and how to locate and deliver it?
  • Need: Faster resolution and higher quality of the resolution

Customer Insights – extract value from customer conversations in

  • Challenge: How to predict what may happen?
  • Need: Understand sentiment, intent, and customer need

Omnichannel Availability – support the right channels, when the customer is available

  • Challenge: How to integrate all these channels with
    24×7 availability?
  • Need: Support multimedia interactions and ingest multimedia content



Introducing Veritone Contact Center AI

Assist Agents in Real Time

  • Transcribe multi-language calls and separate speakers in real time
  • Translate multi-language calls and separate speakers in real time
  • Real-time summarization, topics, intent, sentiment and other text analytics
  • Automatically gain insight into video, image and text attachments/materials that accompany the request
  • Route to the right agent and prevent churn by conducting sentiment analysis and intent of calls in real time

Understand Trends

  • Identify common reasons customers contact you, topics they raise, where help is needed most, by customer and location
  • Measure sentiment across product lines
  • Identify most common languages used across channels
  • Detect PII to ensure security and compliance

Enable Self-Service

  • Automatically understand requests and fulfill them
  • Automatically recommend help articles or action steps based on questions asked
  • Automatically generate support tickets for customer reported issues

Unlike other contact center automation solutions that use an individual AI engine or point solution to assist with one aspect of case handling, Veritone contact center AI combines multiple AI engines within an overall AI workflow that is callable by existing call center systems to automate all aspects of the customer case handling process — from multi-channel communication to 360-degree customer view to automated customer responses to extraction of insight during and post-engagement.


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Customer Support Operations Leaders
Automate contact center customer case handling, increasing support staff efficiency, reducing cost and resolution time, and improving the customer support experience.
IT Leaders
Easily integrate with common contact center systems, and deploy on-premise, in private or public clouds, or in a hybrid environment.


Key Features

  • Broad AI Model Support:

    Process data through aiWARE-based AI engines for extraction and insight. Supported AI models include:

    • Text analytics: translation, sentiment analysis, topic and entity extraction, summarization, intent analysis, PII detection, chatbot, recommendation engine
    • Audio analytics: multi-language transcription, speaker separation, speaker identification
    • Computer vision and biometrics: image OCR, object detection, face detection, logo detection
  • Omnichannel Ingestion:

    Ingest data from social media, email, phone calls and other sources

  • Case Handling Workflow:

    Connect multiple AI models in an AI workflow and customize ingestions and exports using the low-code Automate Studio workflow tool

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    Seamless Integration:

    Use aiWARE APIs or Automate Studio to infuse extraction results and insights into existing contact center systems (Sales, Support, Billing)


An extended product overview presentation and solution demonstration

Create AI Workflows with Automate Studio

Use Veritone’s low-code Automate Studio workflow designer to connect multiple AI models in an AI workflow. Integrate these workflows to existing CRM systems to ingest and process content, and return extraction results and insights to customer service agents.

Veritone provides predefined workflows for common contact center automation use cases, and can develop custom flows tailored to specific needs.


Showcasing technology and stories of how Artificial Intelligence is changing the way businesses operate today and prepare for the future.

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