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Veritone Hire and Horizontal Talent at HR Technology Conference 2024

This year’s HR Technology Conference in Las Vegas is quickly approaching. Veritone Hire will be conducting a session with our customer, Horizontal Talent. We’ll share Horizontal Talent’s real-world application of AI programmatic job advertising and how it impacted their bottom line. Here’s a sneak preview of what we’ll discuss in this session.  Horizontal’s success with...

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A Closer Look at Indeed’s Sponsored Jobs API Charge

By Moshe Kigler & Amy Strong  Indeed, the # 1 job site in the world recently announced two key policy changes to their sponsored jobs API, impacting recruiters in the US. First, effective September 1, 2024, the use of the Sponsored Jobs API will be limited to paying customers that sponsor their jobs through a...

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AI in Talent Acquisition: Advancements, Challenges, and the Road Ahead

Summary:  AI technologies like machine learning and natural language processing significantly enhance talent acquisition by optimizing job advertising, improving candidate assessment, and automating recruitment processes. AI helps organizations measure critical recruitment metrics, such as quality of hire, time-to-fill, and cost per hire, offering data-driven insights that improve hiring efficiency and effectiveness. While AI offers transformative...

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Job Application Tracking in a Cookie-less World

Summary:  Google’s phasing out of third-party cookies prompts a need for cookie-less strategies in talent acquisition, posing challenges for tracking job ad effectiveness. Veritone addresses this challenge by developing a cookie-less approach for programmatic job advertising, utilizing browser fingerprinting for accurate tracking. Veritone’s technology ensures accurate metrics, improved ROI, and compliance with privacy regulations, offering...

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HR Conference Key Learnings

Key Learnings from the Latest HR Conferences

Over the last couple of weeks, I had the opportunity to attend my second HR Technology and Conference Exhibition (HR Tech) and my second UNLEASH World. These conferences brought together HR enthusiasts, industry experts, and organizations from across the world to discuss the latest innovations and future trends in human resources. I am grateful for...

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