Make Your Voice Heard

Make Your Voice Heard

AI-enabled Synthetic Voice Is Poised to Solve the Media and Content Creation Gap 

Online content consumption soared during the pandemic, rising 215% in the US during 2020 to nearly seven hours a day. The surge extended across all media formats, including connected TV devices, social media platforms, streaming platforms, and podcasts. The latest statistics show that 2021 may end up a rerun of 2020, and by 2022, digital time spent is on track to surpass eight hours per day for the first time. Consumers are more reliant than ever on media for entertainment, information, and social connection. And that creates a tremendous demand for content. 

With media outlets continuing to capture the time and attention of the population, the challenge becomes generating enough original content to keep us entertained, along with the advertising that typically accompanies the engaging content. For advertisers and media companies, keeping up with the pace is expensive and time consuming. Synthetic voice is one solution that has been making a lot of noise that’s poised to solve this content creation gap.

The evolution of synthetic voice

Synthetic voice technology has advanced light-years from the robotic, machinated sounds of yesterday. Capable of both text-to-speech and speech-to-speech transcription, today’s synthetic voice technologies use artificial intelligence (AI) to capture the essential essence of voice, using what it learns from hearing a real speaker. As a result, you get a voice that not only sounds natural, but can easily change by regional accent, for example, or multiple languages.

Synthetic voice has immediate applications for media companies, brands, and content creators. It will allow them to more quickly and cost-effectively generate new content and marketing material by creating authentic-sounding voices, choosing those available from a diverse marketplace, or those from approved celebrities. 

The opportunities for voice content are loud and clear

Synthetic voice technology provides advertisers, brands, media companies, and digital publishers with a rapid, reliable, and reproducible way of generating fresh and original content for both media projects and marketing advertisements. From audio clips, endorsements, and audiobooks to video content, voice-overs, and narration, the applications for synthetic voice are as varied as the voices it can replicate. 

Further, synthetic voice allows you to easily and programmatically localize and personalize content. For media companies, delivering content in multiple languages can be delivered cost-effectively and at scale. For brands, they can target ads to specific regions more effectively, making their messaging more impactful without sacrificing any of the personal touches in their content. Additionally, the use case extends to government agencies that often have to disseminate important messages to diverse populations.

For advertisers and marketers, synthetic voice can:

  • Increase content marketing output to keep customers engaged
  • Improve customer response with personalized content at scale
  • Significantly reduce cost and shorten timelines to mass-produce advertisements and marketing content
  • Ensure the consistency and continuity of the brand voice

For media companies and digital publishers, synthetic voice can:

  • Accelerate content production by converting text-based media into quality audio content
  • Programmatically transform and localize content across languages, dialects, accents, and more
  • Extend the reach and revenue opportunities of talent and personalities
  • Revitalize or regenerate the voice of past talent and personalities

Make your voice heard

The pandemic has altered, perhaps permanently, the methods and the quantity of content we consume. With a larger and more prominent space to fill, media companies and advertisers enjoy a tremendous opportunity to capture consumers’ eyes, ears, and wallets. 

With that opportunity comes the challenge to keep up with the growing demand, generating original and compelling content that keeps consumers engaged and coming back for more. As content consumption continues to soar, synthetic media provides media companies and advertisers with a rapid and cost-effective way to keep up with demand.