How One Broadcast Media Group Used Veritone Discovery to Earn $400K in Advertising Business During the Pandemic
Beasley Media Group Philadelphia leveraged Discovery to help garner more radio ad renewals.
The pandemic has driven down advertising in the radio business, perhaps by as much as 13% this year, according to some estimates. But one media group market has managed to thrive this year, thanks to a little help from Veritone Discovery.
Beasley Media Group Philadelphia has been incorporating Discovery into its client-centered approach for some time now, quickly locating and sharing airchecks with clients. Beasley has been able to quantify the value of its promos and unscheduled spots to advertisers, which helped Steve Simons, account executive with Beasley Media Group, close more than $400,000 worth of business this year.
“For our annual advertisers, we typically layer in promotions and features above and beyond the spots they’re paying for,” Simons said. “And this year, in particular, the value of those promos helped secure renewal revenues from major advertisers. With Discovery I’m able to demonstrate the value of advertising with us in convincing, quantifiable ways.”
Simons said Beasley is able to show advertisers their total investment divided by impressions and promos to come up with cost-per-thousand impressions. This helps them illustrate clients’ ROI and prove their ad dollars were spent well.
Though the pandemic forced many local businesses to pause advertising, Beasley continued giving its advertisers extra promotions, such as mentions surrounding charitable efforts and events — even when they weren’t directly paying for them. Simons then developed interactive reports with Discovery that he could use to show clients they were getting hundreds of thousands of impressions, based on Nielsen’s audience data, helping them reclaim potentially lost business in the process.
“This simply would not be possible without Discovery,” Simons says. “Promotional announcements do not appear on any client invoices — there’s really no way to prove the value of these promotions without Discovery.”
Check out our latest case study on Beasley Media Group Philadelphia to learn more about how radio station groups like Beasley can win (and win back) plenty of business using Discovery. Hear more of their story at our free webinar on December 16, where we’ll chat with Simons as well as demonstrate all the newest features of our leading broadcast solutions, Discovery and Attribute.